Our expert, Dr. Joseph E. Doninger, MSc, BSc, is Focus Graphite’s Director of Manufacturing and Technology. Dr. Doninger is an internationally recognized graphite processing expert and an inventor of 6 patents and an author of over 29 technical papers and presentations related to graphite and minerals processing and the use of graphite in energy storage systems.
Since joining Focus Graphite in 2012, Dr. Doninger’s work has been integral to the company’s research and development program. His work explores ways to optimize the suitability of the high-quality flake graphite found at Focus’ properties for various battery and energy storage applications.
To read details of Dr. Doninger’s publications and technical presentations, please click on the links below.
Processing and Performance of Lac Knife Natural Crystalline Flake Graphite from Quebec, Canada
2023 CIM Conference – Montreal, QC – May 3rd, 2023
The presentation covers the results of the 2014 Lac Knife pilot plant flotation tests which produced high purity flake graphite with a graphitic carbon content of up to 98.3%, and outlines that further electrothermal purification steps performed on the Lac Knife graphite concentrate allowed for the recovery of a portion of the graphite concentrate with a graphitic carbon content of more than 99.98% making it suitable for high-performance applications potentially beyond its general intended use as battery grade graphite. The purified Lac Knife graphite demonstrated increased electrical conductivity, increased first cycle capacity, and decreased irreversible capacity loss when compared to regular natural flake graphite and synthetic graphite.